Saturday 15 September 2012

New Designs, New Commissions

Following on from my previous post about not being able to do as much papercutting as I would like, here are a few other designs I've done over the past few weeks, I'm currently down to about one a week now, and really don't think I'll be able to do any more than this in the near future.

We are expecting!

Wow it really has been a long time since I did a post on here! I've been so busy with our changing lives that I haven't had the time to sit down and evaluate everything. Well I guess if you don't already know from my facebook page, I'd better tell you some very exciting news! My husband and I are proud to announce we are expecting out first baby, due 13th February 2013. For this reason I have had to take things a bit more easy and sill having a full time job during the day and papercutting by night something has had to give! I know I still have a lot of outstanding orders, or which some I will still be able to do, but some I might not, which I am sorry. I didn't realise how tired I would be, nor how it would effect my creativity and am finding it increasing hard to do new commissions when still doing my full time creative job and finding precious time to spend with my husband, family and friends. I hope everyone can understand. If you haven't heard from me in a while in reply to an email, just pester me, I've either missed it or thought I had replied (and yes baby brain is setting in!)

On another note here is a new commissions I have been able to do!